“SealedBid was the glue that held the deal together, especially at times when it had the potential to unravel completely.”
– Stuart Krueger
Rodli, Beskar, Boles & Krueger, S.C.
“I researched firms thoroughly and settled on SealedBid. What impressed me about Jerry from the start was his integrity, I could trust him.”
– Dan Charbonneau
CBT Nuggets
“The key to our successful transaction was Jerry’s knowledge, experience and most of all, his commitment to doing it right…and getting it done!”
– Jane Neuharth
Former Owner of Beer Central, Inc.
“Jerry and his team look at the entire transaction, the personal and emotional part of it as well as the technical. That made an awful lot of sense to me.” I was told that SealedBid would add value to my transaction – “Jerry substantially increased the purchase price from my original estimates. He set the stage for large monthly payments and a future earn-out, and structured a deal that doesn’t saddle the firm with debt it can’t handle.”
– Tom Reiter
Former Owner of Reiter & Schiller, P.A.
“Jerry’s involvement and counsel were critical to the process. He provided a good understanding of the business and equally important, he allowed us to establish a personal relationship with the Seller – an important issue in a recap, where a lot of interaction is required before making the decision to invest.”
– Dwayne Hyzak
Main Street Capital Partners
“SealedBid’s role was absolutely crucial to the process. Jerry has great business sense, he’s able to look at the big picture and distinguish between issues that are substantive and those that are not significant to get hung up on. He was a valuable advisor to our client.”
– James Coons
Hutchinson, Cox, Coons, DuPriest, Orr & Sherlock, P.C.
“SealedBid helped us through the entire process and achieved a game-changing outcome for the owners.”
– Dave
Former Owner of Thermo-Tech Windows and Doors LLC.
“Calling them a broker doesn’t cut it. They truly facilitated the deal from start to end.”
– Craig Darcy
J2911 Solutions, Inc.
“Jerry was always completely upfront and dealt frankly with all of the critical issues. He always responded immediately to our questions.”
– Richard Karls
General Beverage Sales
Jerry is the hardest working intermediary I’ve ever worked with. He continuously worked toward consensus, kept his cool even when things got a little hot, and kept all of the parties to the transaction together.”
– Art Dickinson
Formerly with Moss & Barnett
“SealedBid took our assignment and ran with it. From the outset, they asked solid questions, respected the confidentiality of our data & developed an impressive marketing package telling our stroy – particularly Waltek’s potential – very well.”
– Timothy Talbot
Former Owner of Waltek, Inc. & Managing Director of CBIZ MHM, LLC
“They packaged it all up to tell the story really well and walked me through all the steps of what it was going to take. They didn’t expect me to know it all, and they prepared me as much as they could when we’d meet with prospective buyers.”
– John Wallace
HH Auto Wheel & Trim
“SealedBid handled themselves very professionally from the start to the finish. We could not have gotten through all the ups and downs without you. It was a real pleasure to work with such a great group of professionals. Job well done.”
– T.J. Kline
Former Owner of Infinity Packaging Inc.